How about a touch of grace today –
A little kindness in our words, a little softness in our responses.
Instead of angry words, what if we breathed our grace onto each other?
We might discover that words of grace are words of life,
that words of grace are refreshing to our soul,
that words of grace can soften a heart and change the direction of a life.
We might discover that grace changes everything.
***Since we are on the subject of grace today…I’ve been doing some tweaking on my site and want to make sure everyone who subscribed to my blog is receiving these posts via email.
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I appreciate your patience as I figure out the technical side of writing. And I’d love any feedback. Are there areas of fighting for hope you’d like to read about? Do you know a Hope Warriors whose story would inspire others?
If you are reading this and you aren’t a subscriber yet, scoot over to the sidebar and sign up to join the party!***
Y’all are THE best!