
I’m so glad you are here.

Living in this broken world can be messy, confusing, and unpredictable.

I suspect my story contains many of the same elements as yours – joy, sadness, betrayal, waiting, struggle, hurt, grief.

During difficult times my first response is to build  a cocoon around my heart to keep from feeling the pain. But deep down, I want to walk through difficult times without being hardened by them. I want to feel. It is only in feeling courage, compassion, and hope that I can extend it to those around me.

This balancing act of living in a broken world and keeping our heart tender requires a hope that never wavers, even when circumstances look bleak.

Thankfully this unwavering hope isn’t dependent on my emotions. This hope is grounded in God’s nature and character. This unwavering hope teaches me to walk through brokenness – my own and the brokenness of others –  without being hardened.

This hope is found as we pursue two things: 

Truth about who God  is and who we are in relation to Him.

Community. We are not alone in our battles.

Through these two, we find that our pain has purpose. Through truth and community, we experience God’s steadfast love  and plentiful  redemption.

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I am so glad you are here!